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A group of hands participating in a puzzle
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Ally Squared's projects are designed to strengthen community relationships, build understanding of active allyship, and drive positive impact towards equity. 

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Ally Squared’s Journal of Lived Experiences is a platform for people to share their stories in hopes of creating a society that is safe, just, and equitable for all.

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Ally Learning is a multimedia project that expands people's knowledge about various communities around the world. We provide learning opportunities by sharing movies, songs, spoken word, podcasts, articles, and books because we understand that not everyone learns the same way.

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CommunALLY explores avenues for allyship between First Nation, Métis, Inuit, Immigrant, and Refugee communities. We believe that marginalized communities should expand the ways they stand in solidarity with one another against colonial systems of oppression.

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Ally Squared works with clients to develop training that centres our core values of action-based allyship, equity, and decolonisation.

Equity Trainings

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Ally Squared’s Inner Work podcast explores the following questions:

  1. Why does mainstream allyship need to be questioned?

  2. How do we enact impact-based allyship?

  3. What does innovation look like in the allyship space?

  4. How do we engage with communities and issues?

  5. How do we address questions related to allyship that most people are scared to ask?

Group of people chatting around a table at an Ally Squared event
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